Who we are
We are a grassroots movement of everyday people, artists, musicians, environmentalists, energy analysts and activists vying for honesty and integrity in our country starting with honoring President Jimmy Carter who has been a stand for values that continue to inspire us today.
Carter’s greatest moment was in 1980 when he was elected back to being a “citizen” of The United States, demonstrating to all of us our power as “the people.”
Carter’s work with Habitat for Humanity, standing for peace, diplomacy, health, demonstrating the value of being a citizen in our country, has inspired an army across The United States, according to the words his energy analyst Tom Stromulo.
ABC Spencer Christian
Former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev
Statement from Russian President Putin’s office
Marin TV, www.cmcm.tv
Omid Shamsapour, Marin TV Broadcast Director
Rami Eisa, Gazan Journalist
Mohammed Eisa, Gazan Artist
California State Resolution - State Senator Mike McGuire, and State Assembly Member Mark Levine, 2019
County Proclamations: Marin (2017), Sacramento, San Diego, Tuolomne, Sutter, Santa Cruz, Alameda and Humboldt (2024)
City Proclamations: Novato (2017), Fairfax (2018)
Mischa Geracoulis, Human Rights Journalist
Filmmakers Cristina Hemauer, Roman Kellor - A Road Not Taken
Professor Rick Rowden, American University
Tom Stromulo, former Administrator
Denis Hayes, Author of Rays of Hope/Former Administrator
Musicians: Randall Sequeira, Steve Wolf, Mason Holcomb, Wobbly World, José Neto, Narada Michael Walden
and more.